Dec 2010
Notes has been hacked.
Unknown malefactors hijack an admin account, wipe galleries of several high-profile artists, and steal the notes of 42 high-profile users in bulk via admin note access. Later, Arcturus puts up a searchable browse interface of most of the leaked notes.
An admin fault also occurs. Yak (Site Admin) inadvertently deletes the past 10 days' worth of comments accidently.
Nov 2010
Eevee circumvents their ban (via one of their announced exploits) for the mundane purpose of leaving a sassy comment on a friend's journal. The comment and exploit are swiftly and silently removed.
AlertPay, one of the few payment processors willing to tolerate porn, closes FA's donation account and (temporarily?) seizes the $2,300 left in it, citing that cub porn violates their terms of service.
Due to objections from FA's payment processor, which it relies on to receive donations, cub porn is explicitly banned. The ban remains through the present day, though FA still has no payment processor.
FA announces Supporter Ribbons: several images emphasizing a user's contribution to FA, to be placed on user pages.
Oct 2010
FA adds comment hiding, allowing users to hide either their own comments or comments others made.
Eevee produces a list of two dozen FA exploits, and offers to explain the problems and solutions to any FA admin who asks.
Eevee discovers that the new comment hiding feature doesn't correctly check whether you're allowed to hide a comment. They hide tens of thousands of random recent comments, causing some consternation, before the hole is successfully plugged.
Eevee is banned as a result of this even though he is the one that discovered many critical issues. Dragoneer states that the critical offense was targeting the community rather than just him.
Aug 2010
FA announces a furry URL shortener. The domain pss.ms is registered and given a placeholder page. The service is "coming very soon".
As of this writing no such service exists.
FA moves their servers from a 1/4 cabinet to a full 42-unit cabinet. It never gets more than 1/3 full, according to eyewitness reports. Dragoneer later states that they need a full cabinet to get 24/7 access to the datacenter, but InfoRelay (the host) denies this. In other words, Dragoneer lied.
Jul 2010
Caffeine (Ferrox v4 abandoned) Another failed rewrite.
This date marks the last known commit to the Caffeine project.
Since the project was never intended to be public (and it's unknown how or if the code was leaked), it's possible work continued after this date.
However, neither the project nor Ice-Wolf's involvement with FA have ever been announced publicly.
Minor UI changes appear. Most notably, the sidebar moves to the top of the page. FA announces that these changes are in preparation for the new UI.
May 2010
FA United 3
Encrypted login
FA adds SSL to the login page, partially resolving the exploit used on Aug 11, 2007.
Apr 2010
Folders in testing
Dragoneer confirms that gallery folders are in testing and will be deployed soon.
They would finally see the light of day in Sep 2015, approximately 5 year later
FA adds a bbcode tag for embedding YouTube videos within FA journals.
Mar 2010
Caffeine (Ferrox v4)
This date marks the first commit to the Caffeine project, also referred to as Ferrox in its own history.
However, the commit is massive, so development may have been ongoing for some time before this date.
The project is over engineered and in PHP, and its only developer is Ice-Wolf.
FA announces an ambitious web hosting service, with a target release somewhere between April and August.
it is never done. BROKEN PROMISE
Feb 2010 - Sep 2010
Due to rampant abuse, registration is disabled during this period of 7 months!
FA adds profile ids: the ability to show a scrap submission on a userpage.